Semiconductor optoelectronic devices


   Stockholmer Str. 14, 07747 Jena, Germany

   Tel: +49 (0)3641 634009 0

🖷   Fax: +49 (0)3641 634009 20


Privacy Policy

1. Name and contact details of the responsible body

This privacy policy applies to us,

as responsible body.

2. Collection and storage of personal data: Nature, purpose and use

If you contact us or assign us, the following information will be collected:

In addition, all information is collected that is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract with you.

The collection of personal data takes place

The processing of the personal data takes place on the occasion of your inquiry with us and is necessary for the mentioned purposes for the processing of your order and for the fulfilment of obligations from the underlying contract.

The collected personal data will be stored until the end of the statutory retention obligation for merchants (10 years after the end of the calendar year in which the contractual relationship was terminated) and then deleted. By way of exception, this does not apply if we are obliged to store for longer periods due to tax or commercial storage requirements (in accordance with HGB, StGB or AO).

3. Transfer of data to third parties

A transfer of your personal data to third parties will not take place. Exceptions to this apply only to the extent necessary for the execution of contractual relationships with you. This includes in particular the transfer to third parties whose activity is necessary for the execution of the contract (Shipping companies or banks). The transferred data may only be used by the third parties for the stated purposes.

4. Your right to object

If we process your personal data you have the right to object to this processing. If you would like to exercise your right of objection, a text message is sufficient. So you are welcome to write us a fax or e-mail us. Our contact details can be found under point 1. of this privacy policy.