Pre-assembled Terahertz Time-Domain Spectrometer

The pre-assembled THz systems are designed to use a fs laser provided by the customer. The beam paths for the emitter and detector antennas will be pre-aligned on an optical breadboard. Therefore, it is only required to feed the laser beam into the optical setup. Hence, the system is designed for customers who are familiar with optical setups but may not be as familiar with THz spectrometers. The linear stage and the data acquisition system are controlled using the T3DS software package that comes pre-installed on a laptop.

We provide spectrometers for pulse lasers with 780 nm, 1060 nm and 1560 nm wavelength with the following parameters:

  • Pulse duration: ~ 100 fs
  • Repetition rate: 50 - 100 MHz
  • Average optical power: ~ 40 mW

Pre-assembled THZ TDS for fiber coupled antennas

Videos about BATOP Spektrometers

Video THz imaging using an all-fiber 1550nm TDS system

Watch BATOP videos on YouTube

Spectrometer types with price information

Spectrometer performance

The performance of the pre-assembled time-domain spectrometer depends mainly on the used fs laser. The best results are possible with a pulse laser at ~ 800 nm wavelength, having pulse duration < 100 fs, and pointing stability < 25 μrad.
Due to dispersion and nonlinear effects in an optical fiber the THz bandwidth and dynamic range of spectrometers with fiber coupled antennas is lower then set-ups with free space optical path.

General parameters
  • Maximum scan range*: 500 ps
  • Spectral resolution @ maximum scan range*: 2 GHz
  • Collimated THz beam diameter: 22 mm
  • Focused THz beam diameter @ 1 THz: ~ 1 mm
  • Electric power: 110 - 230 V, single phase

* Longer scan ranges / higher spectral resolutions are available upon request.

Spectrometer configurations for fs laser from customer
pre-assembled TDS for ~ 800 nm laser
TDS1008-wol with free space optical path
  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 4.5 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 85 dB
  • Price: RFQ or send an e-mail
TDS1008-fo-wol with fiber coupled antennas only
  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 3.5 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 70 dB
  • Pre-aligned grating based dispersion compensation
  • Price: RFQ or send an e-mail
TDS1008+f-wol with free space optical path antennas and additional fiber coupled antennas

Free space optical path antennas:

  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 4.5 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 85 dB

Additional fiber coupled antennas:

  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 3.5 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 70 dB
  • Pre-aligned grating based dispersion compensation
  • Price: RFQ or send an e-mail
pre-assembled TDS for ~ 1060 nm laser
TDS1010-wol with free space optical path
  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 3.0 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 60 dB
  • Price: RFQ or send an e-mail
pre-assembled TDS for ~ 1550 nm laser
TDS1015-wol with free space optical path
  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 1.5 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 65 dB
  • Price: RFQ or send an e-mail
TDS1015-fo-wol with fiber coupled antennas only
  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 1.5 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 55 dB
  • Antennas with dispersion compensating fiber
  • Price: RFQ or send an e-mail
TDS1015+f-wol with free space optical path antennas and additional fiber coupled antennas
  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 1.5 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 65 dB
  • Antennas with dispersion compensating fiber
  • Price: RFQ or send an e-mail
TDS1015-af-wol with fiber coupled antennas, time delay in the THz path
  • All-fiber, no open laser beam for improved safety
  • T3DS Software package on USB flash drive, without laptop
  • Bandwidth: 0.05 - 1.5 THz
  • Dynamic range: ≥ 65 dB
  • Antennas with dispersion compensating fiber
  • Price: RFQ or send an e-mail
  • Pre-assembled THz spectrometers come on a breadboard without housing and with the T3DS software package installed on a laptop. For an additional price of EUR 5,533.- € the spectrometer can be delivered with housing.
  • In case you order a free space THz system with housing the sample compartment will enable you to purge the THz beam path with nitrogen - similar as for a TDS10XX system.
  • The options available for the benchtop spectrometer TDS10XX can also be ordered for the pre-assembled spectrometer.

Optional parts for pre-assembled THz spectrometers

The measurement capabilities of the pre-assembled THz spectrometers listed above can be extended by additional devices.

Prices apply to individual pieces, we grant a discount for larger quantities. Please ask!

> SHT - Sample Holder Transmission

The sample holder transmission consists of a plate, two sleds with focusing THz lenses, one adapter for large samples (at least 30 x 30 mm) with collimated THz beam and one adapter for small samples (at least 10 x 10 mm) with focused THz beam.
The SHT needs as support the sample holder base (SHB) which is not included, but comes with every TDS system.

Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 1,300.- €

Photo SHT

SHT - Sample Holder Transmission

SHT on base structure

SHT on base structure

> SHR - Sample Holder Reflection

The sample holder reflection consists of a plate, two sleds with focusing THz lenses, one adapter for large samples (at least 30 x 30 mm) and one adapter for small samples (at least 10 x 10 mm). The angle of incidence or the SHR is 30° by default.
The sample holder for reflection measurements requires the base structure (SHB) which is not included, but comes with every TDS system.

Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 1,500.- €

sample holder reflection

SHR -Sample Holder Reflection

sample holder reflection

SHR -front side

> SHA - Sample Holder Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR)

The sample holder for ATR measurements on strong absorbing liquids or solids with a refractive index lower then 2.5 consists of a mounted silicon prism with refractive index 3.416. The incidence angle of the THz beam on the prism base is 51.6 deg.
The sample holder for ATR measurements requires the base structure (SHB) which is not included, but comes with every TDS system.

Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 2,500.- €

sample holder attenuated total reflection

SHA with lid

sample holder attenuated total reflection

SHA without lid

> SHB - Sample Holder Base

The sample holder base SHB is required for sample holder transmission (SHT), sample holder reflection (SHR) and sample holder attenuated total reflection (SHA). It comes with every TDS system and ensures the correct adjustment of the sample holders in the THz beam.

Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 1,250.- €

SHB - sample holder base

SHB - Sample Holder Base

SHB with SHR

SHB with sample holder reflection (SHR)

> CUV - TPX CUVette for THz transmission measurements of liquids

The TPX Cuvette can be used for transmission measurements of liquids. For the best results we recommend using our Sample Holder Transmission (SHT) to position the TPX Cuvette properly in the THz beam path. The SHT comes with every TDS10XX Spectrometer but is not part of the cuvette.

• Material: TPX (Polymethylpentene)
• Complex refractive index n+i·k= 1.46 + i·8.5·10-4
• Dimensions: 50 mm x 20 mm x 41 mm (L x W x H)
• Thickness of TPX walls: 2 x 5 mm
• Liquid path length: 10 mm
• Time delay of empty cuvette: 15.3 ps
Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 390.- €

TPX cuvette

TPX cuvette

Cuvette on base structure

Cuvette on base structure

> SHF - Sample Holder for Fiber coupled antennas

The sample holder for fiber coupled antennas consists of a base structure, one adapter for large samples (at least 30 x 30 mm) with collimated THz beam and one adapter for small samples (at least 10 x 10 mm) with focused THz beam. The SHF can be used for both, transmission and reflections measurements.

Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 1,600.- €

sample holder attenuated total reflection

SHF for a) collimated beam, b) focused beam in reflection, c) focused beam in transmission

> FSU - Fast Scan Unit

The Fast Scan Unit is used to change the laser beam path with a frequency of a few Hz in order to get a real time picture of the THz signal. It is typically used as an extension to simplify the signal optimization. Due to the limited scan range and time resolution it cannot be used to collect data at the same quality as with a slow scan measurement. However, the much faster data acquisition allows to change the optical or THz beam while watching the signal live.

•100 Hz @ 5 ps scan
•10 Hz @ 40 ps scan
Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 9,800.- €

fast scan unit

FSU - Fast Scan Unit

fast scan unit

FSU with electronic box

> IU150 - Imaging Unit 150 mm x 150 mm

• Imaging unit with x-y scan range 150 mm x 150 mm.
• Larger imaging areas are available on request.
• Can be used in reflection or transmission mode.
• The software for THz imaging and visualization is included.
• The imaging unit needs fiber coupled antennas outside the spectrometer.
• Does not include a sample holder. • Price: 10,000.- €

imaging unit in transmission

IU150 in transmission

imaging unit in reflection

IU150 in reflection

Imaging measurement in reflection

2 € coin, visible picture

2 € coin
visible image

2 € coin, THz amplitude image

THz amplitude / time delay
height profile image

2 € coin, integrated spectrum image

Integrated THz spectrum
specular reflectance image

> 2TPX - set of two mounted TPX lenses 1" diameter

Set of two mounted aspheric TPX lenses with 1" diameter for transmission measurements on small samples or for THz imaging.
Lenses with the shortest focal lnegth of 10 mm ( F* = 0.5) ensures a spatial resolution of 0.3 mm for frequencies > 1 THz.

• Available focal length: 10mm, 25mm, 32.5mm, 50 mm, 67 mm, ..
• TPX lens details you can find here..
Spatial resolution measurement (pdf)
• Price: 440.- € / set

TPX lens


 Photo TPX lens

Set of two mounted TPX lenses

> T2T-M - Theta-2-Theta angular scanning unit, manually operated

The incidence angle theta of the Theta-2-Theta reflection unit is manually set. The reflection angle theta is automatically set equal to the incidence angle theta (specular reflection).
Needs fiber coupled antennas outside the spectrometer.

Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 3,800.- €

T2t-m unit


> T2T-A - Theta-2-Theta angular scanning unit, automatically operated

The reflection angle theta is automatically set equal to the incidence angle theta (specular reflection).
An automatic angular scan is possible using the spectrometer software T3DS.
Needs fiber coupled antennas outside the spectrometer.

Data sheet (pdf)
• Price: 8,000.- €

T2t-a unit


Measurement examples using the T2T-A: Angular scan of a reflected, collimated THz beam

Object: Al grating

Object: ruled Al grating
1 mm groove width

Angular scan for reflected beam on ruled grating

Angular scan for reflected beam
on ruled grating